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hanging out with audiophiles

Sep 30, 2019

A man who I’ve heard of many times and yet never had a chance to meet.

Gotta love the pod for this coz after my chat with Mr Vaderslice on Episode 51 I was introduced. 

Mr Congleton is so fast. He’s quick witted and on point. He knows what he thinks and has clearly taken a long time to come to his opinions.

You know where you stand with that kind of attitude. You can see the strength of his character quickly from his twitter feed where he is not afraid to tell it like he sees it.

The fact there’s a quick way in with the man perhaps that explains how he’s been able to work with such a huge range of talent from a multitude of genres.

Time for a quick name drop. Although he’s worked with hundreds and hundreds of great acts (many of whom are wonderfully unknown) a selection of his high profile gigs include working with:

Lana Del Rey

Angel Olsen

St Vincent

David Byrne

My guest on episode 17 - Kimbra 

Modest mouse 


Erykah Badu


my guest from episode 16 - unknown mortal orchestra 

There are so many more. It’s quite staggering to read a longer list of names from his wiki. 

Needless to say “have you ever been experienced” is rather fitting

So in that mental cloud of psych dust lingering in the doorway lets jump into this coffee morning speed ramble with the powerhouse that is

John Congleton 


The Nitty sees me getting old school with my original looper. The same one I used to open for James Brown, Bjork and Beck! so simple by 2109 standards but it was 19 years ago :)


Music for the show is from second violin :

or soundcloud:

Thanks to 

ASC for the show sponsorship

Get some tubetraps ASAP !! They rule