Jan 21, 2019
I’m very happy to say I’ve got Paul Webb aka Rustin man on the show!
Paul will be known by many as the the bass player in legendary 80s band Talk Talk.
I will admit to my shame that I was unaware of Paul’s work as Rustin Man and even largely the work of Talk Talk.
I know. I know!
I AM shamed. BUT I am feeling...
Jan 7, 2019
Hey 19
Happy 19
Intrepid 19
Here's to you and me in the new year. Let's GO!
I'm kicking this annual run of shows in the stars with a chat with the chap that goes by the name of Juro Mez Davis. Starting as an MC in NYC and learning the ropes by pure graft and hands on MAKING with some intense folk (like MF doom) this...